Collage of photos of students. Top left: two students sit at a table. Bottom left: a student holds a sign that reads "PROUDLY UNAFRAID OF BOOKS". Bottom middle: students interact around a table. Top right: a student holds a copy of "The Giving Tree". Bottom right: logo for Student Advocates for Speech: National Coalition Against Censorship

Apply By June 3: Teens Invited to Student Advocates for Speech leadership program

This blog post is by Christine Emeran, director of the Youth Free Expression Program at the National Coalition Against Censorship, a Unite Against Book Bans partner. 

In the landscape of American education, the battle for free expression rages on. Nationwide, students’ rights to read and express themselves are increasingly under siege. However, there’s a beacon of hope on the horizon: the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) proudly presents Student Advocates for Speech (SAS), a revolutionary program designed to empower the next generation of free speech champions. 

The SAS yearlong journey of leadership and empowerment is tailor-made for high schoolers with a passion for making a difference. Through a series of monthly meetings, workshops, and networking opportunities, SAS equips young leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to become fearless advocates for free expression. From battling book bans to tackling censorship head-on, SAS Leaders are at the forefront of the fight for student rights. 

We’re thrilled to announce that applications for the 2024-2025 SAS Leadership program are now open. If you know a high school student with a passion for change, this is their moment to shine. Join us as we embark on a journey to defend the First Amendment and champion the principles of free expression for all. 

So, what exactly does being a SAS Leader entail? Well, it’s not just about attending meetings and shaking hands (though there’s plenty of that, too). SAS Leaders are nationally recognized advocates, with accolades from the White House to the Texas State Senate. They speak at school board meetings, organize book drives, and amplify the voices of young people everywhere. In short, they’re the superheroes of the free speech movement. 

But don’t just take our word for it. SAS Leaders receive top-notch training from experts in media strategy, advocacy tactics, and more. Plus, it’s all completely free! So whether the student is a seasoned activist or a total newbie, there’s a place for them in the SAS family. 

Ready to join the revolution? Applications are open now, but hurry—the deadline is June 3, 2024. Apply online or contact to learn more. Together, we can defend the right to read, speak, and think freely—because silence is not an option when it comes to censorship. Join us—and let your student’s voice be heard! 
