RIGHT TO READ DAY, April 8, 2024. Don't let censorship eclipse your freedom to read.
Don't let censorship eclipse your freedom to read. RIGHT TO READ DAY, April 8, 2024.
Don't let censorship eclipse your freedom to read. RIGHT TO READ DAY, April 8, 2024.

To kick off National Library Week last year, we issued a call to action for readers, advocates, and library lovers everywhere to stand up to censorship as part of a national day of action. We called it Right to Read Day, and thousands of you answered the call.

Let's do it again.

Over the last few years, censors have accelerated their attempts to remove or restrict books and programs in schools and public libraries. In 2023, the American Library Association documented efforts to censor 4,240 unique book titles in schools and public libraries, a stratospheric increase from 2022's previous record of 2,571 unique titles.

Organized pressure groups have used their power—and long lists of titles—to wage an aggressive campaign to empty library shelves of all books they deem inappropriate instead of allowing people to decide for themselves what they and their children read. These groups have redirected their aim from schools to public libraries, which saw a 92% increase in the number of titles challenged over the previous year. Nearly half of the titles impacted were by or about LGBTQIA+ individuals and people of color.

On #RightToReadDay, Monday, April 8, we're asking you to take action and raise your voice for the right to read.

To start, we're contacting Congress.


Your voice matters, and today we're asking you to use your voice to contact your U.S. Congressperson and tell them to stand up to censorship.

Everyone who speaks up today reinforces our shared belief that individuals should be trusted to make their own decisions about what to read or what their children read. No one should be allowed to take that right away.

We've made it easy to send a letter to your Representatives and Senators using this form. We encourage you to take a little extra time to add your library story to your letter! Let your Congresspersons know:

- Why libraries are important to you and your community.

- How you have been impacted by censorship.

- Why readers of all kinds deserve to see themselves reflected in library materials and services.

Note: The list of gendered prefixes in this menu is a system requirement for the federal Congressional communication service that delivers these messages. ALA and multiple other organizations have requested changes to allow for more expansive self-identification.


Thanks for adding your voice! Let's keep going.

There are many ways you can support your library workers and push back against censorship in your community, even if you only have five minutes to spare. Here are a few suggestions:


Thank a library worker.

Our library workers are dealing with unprecedented harassment and threats to their livelihoods. Whether in person or online, let them know you value their professionalism, dedication, and services they provide to your community!

Contact a decision maker.

School and library board members, trustees, state legislators: these elected officials take public input seriously. Our Action Toolkit has resources to help you contact them, including talking points, a guide to petitioning decision makers, and more.

Register to vote.

Speaking of decision makers, are you registered to vote? The right to read is on the ballot in communities across the countrybe prepared to vote in all elections, including for library and school board.

Make a donation.

If you can, please consider donating to the LeRoy C. Merritt Humanitarian Fund, which provides financial support for librarians facing discrimination or threats to their employment for defending intellectual freedom.


Check out (and read!) a banned book.

Libraries keep a lot of statistics, among them how frequently books are used in or checked out from the library. These circulation statistics prove that people want to read challenged or banned titles and support keeping those in or adding similar titles to the collection.

Browse ALA's list of Frequently Challenged Books, find one that interests you, and check it out from your library! If they don't have it, request it via interlibrary loan (ILL) and ask that your library purchase a copy. And if the book is already checked out, request to put it on hold so you can check it out when it returns.

Report censorship.

The American Library Association maintains a database of attempted challenges and bans. If a book challenge takes place in your district, ALA may be able to provide support and more customized resources to oppose the attempted challenge or ban.

Most censorship goes unreported. You can help us track trends, identify targeted titles, and develop support materials by submitting a confidential censorship report.


Make a plan to attend your next library or school board meeting.

Most book ban battles are being fought on the local level at library board, school board, and city council meetings. Make sure local officials know you support the library and access to book of all kinds by attending, listening, and speaking out against censorship. Check out our guide to get started.

Evaluate your candidates

It's election season, which means you'll need to make a decision about who to vote for. Contact the candidates running in your area to see where they stand on censorship in schools and libraries. Download our candidate questionnaire to get started, and ask candidates to sign our pledge to support the right to read.


Get involved with your local library.

Libraries are community institutions, and you can support your local library and spread awareness about its value in many ways. The best place to start is by talking to your librarian about how you can get involved. Consider volunteering, joining (or starting) a Friends group for your library, becoming a trustee, or even running for your local library board.


Stay alert with updates, tools, and future actions from the Unite Against Book Bans campaign to help you stay aware of and fight censorship efforts in your community.

Already signed up? Share with a friend or family member and help them sign up.

Every person who joins the campaign is one more voice to speak out when their community is threatened by censorship.

The information gathered will be used to share updates and calls to action; it will not be sold. By providing your contact information, you agree to receive news and updates from Unite Against Book Bans. View ALA's privacy policy for more information.


Click an image to download and share it on your social media channels:


Help get the word out about #RightToReadDay by sharing these graphics on your social media and challenging your networks to take one of these actions too. And be sure to follow and tag us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter/X.

Find more 2023 Book Ban Data graphics at the bottom of this page.

Merch Against Book Bans

Show the world that you unite against book bans with our official apparel and totes, available in the ALA Graphics Store. All purchases support the Unite Against Book Bans campaign and our efforts to fight censorship.

Additional Actions

Want to do more? Here are additional actions you can take to defend the right to read in your community and support library workers on the ground.

And remember, you can take action against censorship any day of the year. Until we overcome the organized attacks on the freedom to read, Right to Read Day is every day.
